My great-great-grandfather was talking about the Nahuales.

Since the great-great-grandparents, the legend of Nahual exists and has been told from generation to generation.

Ancient people say that the Nahual was a dark, mythological and very powerful spectrum, since it possessed sorcerer and even possibly supernatural gifts.

Their origin was in Tlaxcala, and they say that in the times of Tlaxcallán, these beings used to be protected by Tezcatlipoca, a pre-Hispanic god of war and sacrifice.


  1. He did not know the data where it comes from and that before it was believed that they were protected by a God :0


  2. This is the origin of the nahuales in very ancient times, dating from the civilizations of Mexico, I did not believe it until my father told me that nahuales existed in my town.

  3. super interesting, I did not know this story.

  4. I was told that my great-great-grandfather was a nahual


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