Has anyone had any experience with nahuales?

Leave your stories in the comments! 


  1. I had already heard about the nahuales, especially older people say it, for example where I live, they talk about a lady whose Nahuatl was a snake, and they say that one day they killed the snake because it got into a house, and the next day they found the lady dead, supposedly because her life depended on the snake

  2. One of my best friends told me about her great grandfather, she said that when he was young, some people saw him turning into a black dog, but he wasn`t violent. Actually, she said that she listened how he growled while she was at his bathroom but never saw anything.

  3. I've only heard stories, but luckily nothing has ever happened directly to me.


    I don't have any personal history, but once I saw a video on the subject and it seemed very surreal to me, I really didn't believe it, now I see that there may actually be a possibility that they do exist.

  5. In my case, I have not been able to see one, and I hope I never find one 😰🤞🏼


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